May 15 2014.

Outdoor theatre returns to Crouch Gardens in Seaford on Saturday, June the 14th, with a Rude Mechanical Theatre Company production of The Wife starting at 7.30pm.

What do women really want? Well there’s a question! Is there one man who has not asked it?

Alyson, a wife from Bath is travelling to Canterbury on a pilgrimage and describes with hilarious outcomes the five men who have shared her marriage bed. Then she tells the story of a young knight called Roland who having ravished a young maiden, is forced, in order to avoid being put to death for his crime, to undergo a test and search the world for an answer to the question: What is it that women most desire?

With his stupid but innocent servant Dogrose, he encounters a series of marriage relationships and asks each of the women the question.

The play comes dramatically to a conclusion as the answer is revealed.

Hilarious and provocative, but tender, the play digs deeply into the nature of love and marriage relationships.

The play is aimed at adults and is bawdy in places. It is not unsuitable for mature children who can sit for two hours without needing to run about.

You should not bring babies; however lovely they may be, they distract. This is an event for grown up’s essentially.

Bring warm clothes and a low backed chair.

The site is open from 6.00pm for picnics.

Tickets are available from Newberry Tully in Church Street Seaford and on the website at www.therudemechanicaltheatre.co.uk/tickets.html#
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